
During the fourth month, you’ll feel your baby move for the first time. This
feels a bit like stomach ache but don’t worry; you’ll learn to tell the difference!

Your baby’s body is covered in lanugo (a fine layer of downy hair) that will later disappear.
- The hair follicles and nails grow.
- Your baby’s head, which was previously bigger than the rest of the body, gets more in proportion.
- The cerebellum develops, the limbs gradually get longer and the hands are completely formed.
- The amniotic fluid enters and leaves the baby's lungs, but the baby cannot breathe yet.
- Your baby is sensitive to touch and will sense your caress under the fine layer of your skin.
- The little mouth can make movements and taste develops.
- The auditory system is in place.
- Your baby becomes sensitive to light, but is still unable to see.
- Your baby measures about 19cm in length and weighs between 200gm to 250gm.
- Your baby is also making some of its own insulin and bile.
- Your baby even urinates into the amniotic fluid in small amounts every 45 minutes or so.
- The teeth are formed inside the baby’s gums.

Ayurvedic view
- In 4th month body parts becomes more conspicuous
- Manifestation of heart, and consciousness (Sushruta)

The fourth month is an exciting time for you. Around the end of this month,
you may feel the quickening. This is the first fluttering movements of your baby. Women describe it like the sensation of fluttering butterflies or
bubbles. At first, you may not be sure it is the baby. After you feel it a few times, you’ll recognize the feeling. If this is your second pregnancy, you may feel this earlier than with your first. Since you know what to expect, you
may be aware of movements a bit sooner.
- Breast changes — growth, soreness, and darkening of the areola —
usually continue.

Garbhini lakshana – 4th month
- feeling more heaviness – due to stability of fetus.

Some of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy begin to be relieved during the fourth month
- heartburn
- constipation
- shortness of breath or to breathe faster
- bleeding gums, nosebleeds
- nasal stuffiness

Your Diet & herbs supplements– 4th month
High time for Immunity Boosters such as
- Gold Bhasma
- Suvarnavasant malati
- Vat shringa milk

Pathya – 4th month
- Milk with butter
- Medicated cooked rice
- 1 tablespoon (10 grams) of homemade butter should be consumed every morning with rocksugar.
(Charak Sarirsthan)

Many women entering the second trimester of pregnancy are beginning to feel comfortable with their pregnancy.
One often comes across, varying and erratic likes and dislikes, in a
pregnant woman irrespective of the culture or the part of the World she belongs to. These likes and dislikes are peculiar to the state of pregnancy
and they vary in each woman. Some of these desires are very strong. The speciallity or peculiarity of these likes and dislikes are that they are very often in contrast to the usual desires of the same woman when she is not pregnant. Though these symptoms have been mentioned and described,
there seems to be no understanding of its actual cause. Aayurveda has a definite understanding of these varied desires and terms
the condition as dowhrudyam. The reason for the manifestation of dowhrudyam is the presence of a second hrudaya in the foetus. As such
she has two hrudayas one of her own and the other of the foetus. She is called a dowhrudini. According to our Aachaaryaas the foetus grows up to a period of four months the "chetna" or the life gets associated with the foetus and this causes the longings of the mother. These longings and
desires are to be satisfied. Not doing so may cause abnormalities of the foetus like dwarfism. These desires are not always beneficial, and may
prove harmful to the foetus (even when fulfilled). In such cases one should use one's "yukthi" of power of reasoning, so as to fulfill her desire and at the same time render it harmless.

- Butter is rich in the most easily absorbable form of Vitamin A.
- Contains antioxidants that protect against free radical damage.
- It is a great source of Vitamins E and K.
- It is a very rich source of the vital mineral selenium which is essential for brain development of the
- Butter contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is a potent anticancer agent, muscle builder, and immunity
- Vitamin D found in butter is essential to absorption of calcium.
- Protects against tooth decay.
- Antistiffness factor in butter also prevents hardening of the arteries, cataracts, and calcification of
the pineal gland.
- It is a source of quick energy, and is not stored in our body’s adipose tissue.
- Cholesterol found in butterfat is essential to children's brain and nervous system development.
- Contains Arachidonic Acid (AA) which plays a role in brain function and is a vital component of cell membranes.

After fourth month till end;
- Mandur, godanti, loh bhasma, mukta shukti, praval ( Iron preparation).
- Massage on nipple with castor oil, pull the nipples little outside

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