
- By the end of this month, your baby will be 3 pounds and 16 inches long.
- Her lanugo is beginning to disappear and is only visible on her back and shoulders.
- At seven months of pregnancy, your baby’s head hair is starting to grow and she looks more like a
- Her body is well formed and her skin is pink and smooth.

- She has grown eyebrows and even eyelashes, and her eyes that were fused shut have opened.
- Her nails have reached the tops of her fingers and toes.
- Her lungs are beginning to be functional and if she were born this month, she would have a good
chance for survival. The lungs are still growing but not yet mature. The baby can now cry.
- Shine a bright light on your belly, and she may turn towards it.
- Bones are becoming harder. Its hearing is fully developed. By the end of the month, eyelashes are
- If you are carrying a boy, his testes will probably begin descending.
- Brain waves show rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which means your baby is dreaming, and it has
patterns of waking and sleeping.

Ayurvedic view
- In 7th month all the features (blood, bones, muscle) gets proper nourishment
- Whole body gets completely associated with Vata, Pitta and Kapha

- You’re now putting on weight at the rate of about 1 pound a week.
- Fetal movements will be stronger and more frequent.
- Pressure on your rib cage can cause pain, as well as heartburn and indigestion.
- By the end of the month, your uterus will extend well above your navel. It’s getting more difficult to
- This month, you may experience Braxton Hicks contractions. These painless “practice” contractions
help prepare your uterus for delivery. You will experience these throughout the remainder of your pregnancy.
- Your breasts may increase in size and may begin to leak colostrum. Colostrum is a clear fluid that will be
your baby’s first milk after delivery before your real milk comes in. It is very sweet and high in nutrients.
Many women experience the leaking of colostrum as they sleep at night. Don’t be surprised if you wake up soaking
wet one morning.

Garbhini lakshana – 7th month
- Feels excessively exhausted
- More loss of mamsa dhatu and rakta dhatu

- Backache
- Leg cramps
- Swelling of the ankles and feet
- Lower abdominal itchiness
- Hemorrhoids
- Varicose veins
- Constipation
- Braxton Hicks contractions
- Shortness of breath

Hopefully you are still feeling optimistic and energetic during the seventh month of pregnancy, but
you may begin feeling a little tired of being pregnant during the third trimester. Many women are
beginning to feel “ready to get it over with” during this month. At the same time, you may still have
anxieties about childbirth and parenthood. Having a good support system around you will help you
through these last few months of pregnancy.
If you haven’t already, it is a good time to begin discussing childbirth and birthing plans with your
doctor. Preparing for these things may help you feel more at ease about labor and childbirth.

Parenthood is indeed a blessing, but with it comes the responsibility of helping bring forth wonderful human
beings. In third trimester Calcium is necessary for making the baby’s bones and teeth. The best source of
calcium is milk. Calcium is also present in ragi, bajra, sesame seeds and beans. Dried beans, almonds, tofu,
orange juice, soy products, green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cheese and yogurt are all good source of
calcium, include them in your food.
Here are few nutritional recommendations for the pregnant woman:
- She must drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water daily.
- Intake of caffeinated beverages should be limited.
- It is always better to avoid carbonated fluids.
- Fibrous fruits, grains and leafy vegetables should be included in the diet to avoid constipation.
- Avoid tobacco and consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. The World Health Organization
recommends that alcohol should be avoided entirely during pregnancy as it crosses the placental
barrier and can stunt feta growth or weight, create distinctive facial stigmata, damage neurons and
brain structures, and cause other physical, mental, or behavioural problems. Foetal alcohol exposure
is the leading known cause of mental retardation in the Western world
- The diet given in the seventh month should be the same as in the sixth month, along with ghee
medicated with pruthak parnyaadi (Vidaarigandhaadhi) group of drugs. This would help in the proper
development of the foetus.
- Aswagandha and guduchi are given to strengthen the uterine muscles and also to nourish the
embryo. These also help in the prevention of intrauterine growth retardation.
Herbs supplements– 7th month
If HBP or Swelling…
- Kshirpak of Gokshur and Punarnava 2 times daily.
- Avoid salt and start using rocksalt.
- The diet given in the seventh month should be the same as in the sixth month, along with ghee medicated
with Vidaarikand. This would help in the proper development of the foetus.
- Aswagandha and guduchi

Pathya – 7th month
- Vidarigandhadi ghrita
- As per 6th month
- During these months , the consumption of ghee infused with sweet herb is recommended, ideally on
an empty stomach. For example , Satavari ghrut, or Yashtimadhu ghrut. ( Charaka Sarirsthan)
Listen to soothing music, and play the same music consistently at the same time. Continue when
the baby is born, and watch your baby calm down as soon as you play the music!

My Dream Child websites and publications are for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your health or the health of your child, you should always consult a doctor. Information in this email is intended for visitors from India. My Dream Child is responsible for published content according to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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