Your dream child at 22nd week

At this point, you may find your belly becoming a hand magnet. It's perfectly okay to tell folks who touch your tummy that you'd rather they didn't. And if people are telling you that you look smaller or bigger than you should at this point, remember that each woman grows — and shows — at her own rate.


  • The internal organs are growing fast.
  • The eyelids and eyebrows are becoming clear cut and distinguishable. Even the eyes have formed fully, but the irises (colored part of your eye) still lacks pigment.
  • The liver of the baby has started production of various enzymes that are required for breaking down of bilirubin. The bilirubin is produced as a result of the breaking down of red blood cells.
  • The fetal red blood cells have a shorter life span and so there is more production of bilirubin in a fetus. The bilirubin from fetal blood goes into the placenta and then passes into mother’s blood. The mother’s liver gets rid of the fetal bilirubin.
  • The sensory system is also developing, as your baby learns its sense of touch and begins rubbing itself on his face, neck, torso and legs.
  • He's sleeping in cycles about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they're probably those times you're not feeling any kicks!).



At 11 inches long and weighing just under a pound, your baby is the size of a spaghetti squash during this 22nd week. It’s still very thin due to the lack of fatty tissues; however in more recent weeks to come, this will change. The skin is still wrinkly and covered with lanugo. Over the next few weeks he will become less thin but will still be red and wrinkled. Babies appear to use the umbilical cord as a toy, trying to grab it and even squeeze it.

Q – Why should I do yoga and Pranayam during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful thing to experience. It is awesome to realize that a person is being formed on the inside of you, and that God trusts you with that life. You are not in this alone - God cares very much about your pregnancy. He wants you to have a full-term, healthy pregnancy in which you feel good, sleep well, and then deliver a healthy baby.Yoga will help you undergo a comfortable and safe pregnancy and delivery, whatever be your health or the circumstances.

Importance of Yoga

Breathing and Relaxation

Since yoga teaches controlled breathing and relaxation techniques, it can be beneficial for pregnant women in a couple of ways. First, it can help you to deal with some of the stress and physical pain commonly experienced in pregnancy. Plus, some moms say that it even helps to reduce morning sickness. The breathing and relaxation techniques utilized by yogis are especially valuable during labor and delivery. Moms who practice yoga regularly report that using these techniques during contractions can lessen the pain significantly and are more likely to successfully give birth naturally. The success rate seems to increase for moms who begin the practice early in pregnancy and continue throughout.

Body Work

Practicing prenatal yoga can help to get and keep your body in shape. Yoga also helps to make your body more flexible and toned. Research has proven that women in better shape before and during pregnancy are less likely to experience complications during labor and delivery.

Energy and Mood Booster

Pregnant women often experience fatigue, which can exacerbate depression and irritability. The practice of yoga helps to balance you emotionally and has been proven to boost energy. And, since yoga can help to reduce tension and stress, many moms report better quality sleep as a result of a regular program.

Positive Effect On Baby

The baby, too, benefits from all of this yoga. It receives increased oxygen and endorphins. The movement of the asana practice also gently massages the baby and creates an inner remembrance of relaxation. Babies will carry this within them throughout life.

Importance of Pranayam:

  • It makes the life meaningful and social.
  • It keeps the balanced in all the conditions and situations mother.
  • It manages psycho physical diseases.
  • It makes the body healthy.
  • It helps in controlling the modalities of mind.
  • It gives opportunities to soul to flourish.
  • Intellectual development is accelerated.
  • Will power becomes strong through its practice.
  • It helps to deliver baby naturally.

My Dream Child websites and publications are for informational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your health or the health of your child, you should always consult a doctor. Information in this email is intended for visitors from India. My Dream Child is responsible for published content according to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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