Did you know?
Researchers in California have found that, the happier the mother during pregnancy, the healthier the baby will be when it is born. Apparently, the babies of women who have plenty of support from friends and family during their pregnancy grow better in the uterus.
Acharya Sarangdhara has described, “ the child will have the kind of qualities that occupy the pregnant woman’s mind” When a pregnant woman desires a child who is courageous, clever, beautiful and healthy, she should listen to stories of people who possess such ideal qualities. She should read their biographies and perhaps, contemplate upon their lives.

Acharya Charak says that a baby’s mind is not a blank slate, but neither a finished product. At the stage of embryo, the mind is deeply attached to its parents. It can listen, and is moulded by the types of stories and music the mother listens to when she is pregnant, and forms itself accordingly. Whatever mother listens to with attention contributes to culturing the mind of the child.
During your pregnancy your hormones will change and you may experience a lot of different feelings and emotions. Pregnancy will certainly be an interesting 9 months of your life - you may have many reasons for happiness, and usually some extra things to worry about too. There will be times like feeling your baby move for the first time - an amazing and emotional experience. Babies are born every day but this one is yours!
When a woman is pregnant, her baby is exposed to everything she experiences – the sounds in the environment, the air she breathes, the food she eats, and the emotions she feels. When a pregnant woman feels happy and calm, it allows her baby to develop in a happy, calm environment. However, emotions like stress and anxiety can increase the amount of particular hormones in the mother’s body which can affect the baby’s developing body and brain.