Your dream child at 27th week

Welcome to the third trimester. Congratulations! You have made it 2/3 of the way through. The 27th week of pregnancy is a great milestone for mom and baby. As the due date nears, this is an exciting time for the parents, grandparents, siblings, other family members, and friends. Hang in there, Mom; there are only a few more months to go!


Your baby’s bones, muscles and organs continue to grow, and she is becoming more stronger with every passing week. If she is born now, and given the right specialist care, she would have about 85% chance of survival.

  • Baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes and hair is growing every day.
  • The muscle tone is improving and her body is getting plumper.
  • Your little one's brain continues its rapid growth. Don't forget to share music, conversation, and even books with your baby.
  • Baby may start to recognize your voice as well as your partner, so be sure to say lots of nice things.
  • The retina at the back of your baby's eyes is beginning to develop. Those beautiful baby eyes can open now, and the baby will notice and may turn her head if you shine a flashlight against your belly.
  • You may notice that your baby is developing its own waking and sleeping patterns.


This week, your baby weighs almost 1 kg and is about 14 1/2 inches long with her legs extended. She may be lying in a bottom-down position at this stage or even across the womb (transverse). She looks much the same as she will at full term, only smaller and thin. By now, you will probably have got to know your baby’s pattern of wakefulness and sleep – usually opposite to yours!

Why reading is necessary during pregnancy?


A baby’s nerve pathways in the ears and neural system in the brain start developing as early as the twenty-sixth week, which is when the baby will begin responding to sounds and voices regularly. Introducing music and words while your baby is still growing inside of you may increase your baby’s intelligence; many expectant parents can start talking to their babies in the womb, reading to them and playing soothing music to generate a response from their developing brains. Reading provides auditory stimulation for babies’ growing brains and can acclimate children to the sounds of their parents’ voices.

Effects of Reading on Baby’s Intelligence

During the early stages of development, you can train a baby’s brain to recognize words and sounds well before she understands the meaning behind them. A baby developing in the womb can become sensitive to her parents’ sounds and touches; reading aloud provides a soothing sound for baby to tune into while resting and growing. The tones, voices and sounds that the baby hears during development can provide the foundation for learning new sounds and words after she is born. After delivery, the baby may be more likely to respond positively to the people to whom she “listened” during development. Reading promotes language development, attention development, concentration skills and information synthesis. A baby’s cognitive skills can also be improved with a variety of stimuli; reading represents one way to enhance these important developmental skills.

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