Ayurvedic View
In Ayurveda it is called Kikkisa. Kikkisa is such type of skin disease that occurs
during pregnancy and mentioned in the disorders of pregnancy by the various Acharyas.
Kikkisa is mentioned by the Sushruta Acharya in the different types of Krimis. According
to Acharya Atreya the growing foetus displaces the dosas upwards, thus these vata,
pitta and kapha reaching uras (breasts-Charaka) or Hridya(heart-Vagbhata) produce
burning sensation, which causes itching. The disease Kikkisa is the result of this
- Garbhotpeedana
- Kandu (Itching)
- Vidaha (Burningsensation)
- Burning sensation in the hands and feet (A.H.Sa.1/58 Aruna commentary).
- Kikkisa (charka)
- Charamvidarama (Cracking ofthe skin in between breasts and abdomen, in the abdominal
region and in the thigh region.
- RekhaswaroopTvakSankocha (Linear line marking and contractions of the skin in the
- Valivishesharekhakara (Round,oval specially and linear marking in Uru, Stana and
- ShukakritiPurnta (Paddy seeds like structure)
- TvakBheda (Differentiation of the skin)
- Vairupya (Discouloration of the skin)
What can I do to prevent stretch marks?
- Dinacharya and Ritucharyas:- When these regimens followed constantly for
a longer time bring up the healthy status of skin, body and even mind. They do act
internally, externally and even both. They maintain the Dosa-Dusya balance perfectly.
Season wise food products, clothing, water and shelter protect the skin from external
mutations; getting either dried or cracked or shrinked.
- Food Nutrition:- Ruksha, ksaya, Khara, Lavna, Vidahi, Dhuma, Upavasa, when
consumed in Hina- Mithya- Atiyoga certainly worsen the skin conditions. Snigdha,Laghu,Slakshna
and DruvaGunas dominant food products are helpful in maintaining the healthy skin.Green
leafy vegetables, fruits are having natural resources which are very much needed
in procuring healthy skin. They are rich in vitamins, minerals.
- Water (Jala):- Cold water has said to be as Rasayana. It acts well on the
skin texture and protects skin getting wrinkles. Water either cold or hot has got
very essential role in cleaning the skin from sweat and other waste products. Hot
water when consumed orally will act upon Bhrajakagni and procure the health of the
- Milk and Milk Products:- Milk is Rasayana and ‘Ojaskara’, it act upon the
skin and Rasagni to maintain the health of the skin. Milk enhances the luster, texture
and functions of the skin. (A. H.Su.5/20). Milk and milk products are Jivniya when
used properly. They are helpful in maintaining the healthy skin.
- Ghee ( cow) :- It is very well quoted cow GHEE is Kantivardhaka, Saukumaryajanaka,
and helpful for skin health. It cures the injuries and damages of skin. (A.H.Su.5/37).
Ghee when consumed constantly in a proper way produces good body health and skin
- Madhu (Honey):- Honey is Kushthahara, Vranashodhaka, Ropana, Sandhanakara
as mentioned in the texts. (A.H.Su.5/22).
- SarsapaTaila:- It is Kusthaghana, it acts on skin disease manifestation and
brings back the normal color of the skin. (A. H. Su 5/59).
- Snehan:- It is said to be Kantivardhaka.
- Swedana:- It brings about Malanirharana, Kantivardhana. (A. Sam.Su.17/19).
Stretch Mark prevention research can be quite confusing some medical Professionals
uphold nothing can be done to stop them from forming, whereas some clinical trials
have shown certain creams and treatments can prevent Stretch mark from developing.
- Avoid Excessive Weight Gain Excessive weight gain is one of the main reasons
of Stretch Mark develop. When the skin is stretched excessively over a short space
of time dermal tearing occurs which creates scars in the dermis (middle layer of
the skin) which we refer to as Stretch Mark. The epidermis (outer layer of skin)
is also affected; cells become thin and flattened which makes the defect in the
dermis more visible.
- Diet Eating a healthy diet rich in Proteins, vitamins and minerals that maintain
healthy skin is thought to prevent Stretch Mark. These vitamins and minerals include:
Vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and silica. Drinking plenty of water and regular exercise
can also help to keep the circulation working properly.
- Massage and Moisturize Massaging oil, moisturizers or creams into your Stretch
Mark on a daily basis can help to keep the circulation working properly in the affected
tissue and help to promote new cell growth. The moisturizer, oil or cream will also
keep your skin soft and supple. Vitamin E oil/cream or Cocoa Butter is two of the
most popular choices for preventing Stretch Mark. There is no scientific evidence
to prove that they work, but many women swear by them for preventing stretch and
- Avoid Hormone Based Medicines You don’t have to be obese or have gained a
lot of weight in a short time span to develop Stretch Mark. Those who are slim can
also develop Stretch Mark and it is thought that hormones have a part to play in
this. It has been suggested that certain hormone-based medications such as steroids
can cause Stretch Mark.
- Wear a Supportive Maternity Bra It is quite common for women to develop Stretch
Mark on their breasts during pregnancy and breast-feeding. A good quality maternity
bra can help to give extra support.
Exercise For Prevention
Gentle exercises for the abdominal muscles can be started as soon as pregnancy has
been confirmed or even as pregnancy is being planned.
- Exercise 1: Standing erect, raise both arms above the head. Bend forward slowly
to touch your toes. Hold the position for a count of 100. Then slowly straighten
up. Do this exercise at least once daily.
- Exercise 2: Standing erect, raise both arms above the head and clasp your hands.
Now bend slowly to your left as far down as you feel comfortable. Hold for a count
of 10. Straighten up slowly and then bend to your right. Hold to a count of 10.
Straighten up. Exhale as you are bending and inhale while straightening up.This
makes one set. Do at least 3 sets once daily.
- Exercise 3: Stand straight with feet about 12 inches apart. Place hands on your
back at the waist. Slowly bend back, as far back as you feel comfortable. Hold to
a count of 10. Straighten up. Now bend forward slowly, hold the position to a count
of 10. Then straighten up. Exhale as you are bending and inhale while straightening
up. This makes one set. Do at least 3 sets once daily.
Home Remedies
There is a plethora of expensive stretch mark creams and treatments on the market,
but there has been very little research done to prove if any of them actually work.
This is why many women choose to use a home remedy for removing Stretch Mark, which
can be a more economical option.
There has also been very little scientific research conducted on the Effectiveness
of the following home remedies, but many women believe they have had significant
success in either preventing or helping to treat Stretch Mark. It may seem like
stating the obvious but a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially
those that help maintain healthy skin (Vitamin C, Vitamin E, zinc and silica), can
be very beneficial at keeping stretch mark at bay. If you’re not getting enough
of these important vitamins and minerals in your diet you might want to consult
your health practitioner about a suitable supplement. Regular exercise helps to
tone your muscles and keep your skin firm. Avoiding excessive weight gain in a short
space of time can also reduce your chances of getting stretch mark.
Many women swear by daily massage as an excellent home remedy for either preventing
or treating stretch mark. Make massage a part of your daily routine after you get
out of the shower or before you go to bed. You could try using any of the following
Olive oil, flaxseed oil, cod-liver oil or vitamin E oil.
Natural Ayurvedic Remedies For Stretch Mark
- 1 Butter treated with the drugs of Madhura dravyas should be given to pregnant women
frequently in the dose of Panitalamatra(about 20 gms), (Cha. Sa.8/32, A. Sam.Sa.3/10)
or else the butter medicated with decoction of stem bark of badari (jujube) and
drugs of madhura group should be given. (A.H.Sa.1/59).
- 2 Rub over the abdomen and breasts from any one of the following:
- The paste of the chandna and Mrinala (Cha.Sam.Sa.8/32, A. Sam.Sa.3/10) or chandna
and usira. (A.H.Sa.1/60).
- Powder of sirisa stem bark, flowers of Dhataki, sarsapa and madhuyasti. (Cha. Sam.Sa
8/32, A. Sam. Sa.3/10).
- Pesteled bark of Kutaja, seeds of arjaka (Tulsi), musta and hridra. (Cha. Sam.Sa
8/32, A.Sam.Sa.3/10).
- Pestled leaves of nimba, badari, and surasa with manjhista.
- Water medicated with punarnava, flowers of malati and madhukaand mixed with blood
of deer and rabbit. (A. Sam.Sa. 3/10).
- Oil prepared with pestled leaves of karvira (Cha. Sam.Sa.8/32, A.H.Sa.1/59) alone
or with karanja (A.Sam.Sa.3/10).
- Irrigation of abdomen and breasts should be done with decoction of patola, nimba,
manjistha and surasa (A.H.Sa.1/61) or leaves and flowers of malati and madhuka (Cha.
Sam.Sa.8/32, A. Sam.Sa. 3/10,) or else repeated cleansing with decoction with decoction
of daruhridra and madhuka should be done (A.H.Sa.1/59).
- One should not scratch (in spite of urge for itching) to avoid disfigurement or
skin stretching (Cha. Sam.Sa.8/32, A. Sam.Sa. 3/10).
- If the itching becomes irresistible then above mentioned powders should be rubbed
or anointment (Cha. Sam.Sa.8/32) or bath should be taken with chandna which will
suppress itching sensation due to its coolness. (A. Sam.Sa. 3/10,).
- One should not scratch (inspite of urge for itching)to avoid Tvakbheda (differentiation
or disfigurement) andVairupya(discolouration or stretching). (Cha.Sam.Sa.8/32, A.