Asthi Dhatu

Asthi Dhatu (Bone) is the bones structure or skeleton. It provides support to all other tissues and body structure. It also maintains the teeth, the hair and nails. It has earth and air as leading elements.

In the physical body, asthi dhatu is formed as posaka (unstable) medas dhatu flows into the purisha dhara kala and is digested by the asthiagni. In addition to the formation of the bones of the body, teeth are formed through this process and are thus the upadhatu (secondary tissue) of the production of asthi dhatu. Ch. Chi. 15/30

The purisha dhara kala is the membrane that holds the asthi agni. Purisha means “feces”. The term is also used to describe the large intestine as in the purishavaha srota. Here lies an important clue of the relationship between health of the large intestine and that of the bones. The large intestine is the home site of vata dosha. The close relationship between these two tissues reveals the susceptibility of the bones to vata disorders. When there is pathology in the large intestine (gas, constipation) the pathology is transferred to the bones which become more porous and air filled. Such is the case of osteoporosis.

System carrier : The Skeletal System

SUPPORT (DHARANA) Asthi Dhatu is to support The bones serve to uphold all body tissues and give them Kathinya (firmness) and a strong foundation. When it is sufficient, it gives confidence, stability, confidence, security, certainty and a good stamina. Asthi comes from the tern “Stha” meaning to stand or “Endure”. Su. Sha. 5/23-25

According to texts of ayurveda asthis or bones are formed from the nutrients supplied by medha dhatu through asthivaha srothas. The nutrients in medho dhatu which is meant to nourish asthi dhatu are processed in asthivaha srothas by dhatwagnis. Dhatwagni and bhutagni (vayu, agneya and prithvi) bring about hardness and heaviness to these nutrients which form asthi or bone. Su. S. 15/5

In nature we observe that trees are supported by strong solid stems. Same way human body is supported by strong bones. All muscles (mamsa), tendons and ligaments are attached to asthis (bones). Asthi supports these structures and gives shape to our body.

Originates from : Adipose tissues & Hips
Waste Product - Head & Body hair, Finger & Toe Nails

Laxana of AsthiSara Purush : Ch. Vi. 8/107; Su. S. 35/16
Atiutshai, sthirsarayukta, kriyashila, balavan, ayushyaman etc.
Symptoms of Asthi Dhatu Disorders -

Increased -
Asthi Vriddhi Laxana:

When asthi dhatu increases more than normal, it leads to formation of adhyasthi (hypertrophy of bone) and adhidanta (formation of extra teeth). Su. S. 15/14

  • Bony Protuberances
  • Bone Tumors
  • Calcification
  • Extra Teeth
  • Excessive Hair Growth
  • Hunch Back
  • Lordosis (abnormal curve of the Lumbar Spine)
  • Spinal Misalignment
Asthi Kshaya Laxanas:

When asthidhatu or nutrients of asthidhatu reduces the following diseases may surface. Ch. Su. 17/67; Su. S. 15/9
Asthitoda : Inflammation of bones and joints (like arthritis and gout)
Sadana : weakness
Dwija prapatana : falling of teeth
Srama : weakness
Bhagna : pathological fractures
Phakkaroga : rickets
Asthi Kshaya : thinning of bones like osteoporosis
Asthi Vrana : Osteomyelitis

  • Hair Loss
  • Joint pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Rough Dry, Brittle & Crooked Nails
  • Shortened Height
  • Spinal Misalignment
  • Spontaneous fractures
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