Rakta Dhatu

According ayurveda when rasa (lymph) is mixed with "ranjaka pitta"(haemoglobin) it forms Rakta dhatu or blood Rakta dhatu refers to the primary fire of the body. The word rakta means colored as well as reddened. rakta refers directly to the blood, specifically the red blood cells, and indirectly to the tendons and the bile.

System carrier: Circulatory System

Rakta Dhatu (Blood) is the blood tissue, especially the red corpuscle component of blood, which carries air and oxygen in the body. It has Pitta Dhosa characteristics and its leading element is fire.

Functions and Action:

JEEVANA (LIFE) Rakta dhatu oxygenates cells. Rakta literally means what is coloured and what is red. Blood gives colour both figuratively and literally. "Raktam varna prasaadanam mamsa pushtim jeevayathicha" Sharangdhara Purva khanda 6/10.

Rakta dhatu enhances tone and complexion of skin. It strengthens and nourishes "mamsa dhatu" (Muscles). The whole physiology of body is dependent on this tissue. Rakta strengthens the body and keeps it healthy. It increases life span and keeps the person active. Rakta dhatu is more than blood. It is the carrier of the fire that invigorates the body and mind.

The rakta dhatu, being made up primarily of the element fire, has similar qualities. It is hot, light, dry, hard, unstable, rough, flowing, clear, subtle and sharp. These qualities are very similar to pitta dosha which is made up of mostly fire and a little water. Thus, the health of rakta dhatu plays an important role in determining the health of pitta dosha. In the formation of the dhatus, pitta dosha is the mala (waste product) produced by the formation of rakta dhatu. Ch. Su. 24/3, Su. S. 14/44, Su. Sha. 7/14

Originates from : Liver & Spleen

The quantity and quality of rakta dhatu depends upon the intake of the fire element. Food must first be digested by the main digestive fire (jatharagni). This produces ahara rasa which is then digested by rasagni to produce rasa dhatu and its related tissues. A portion of the rasa dhatu is then digested by the raktagni to produce rakta dhatu and its related tissues. When rakta agni is functioning properly and when it has received adequate rasa for transformation, the rakta produced will be of an ideal quantity and of the highest quality. When the raktagni is low, a greater amount of rakta is produced. However, this is of poor quality. This occurs when kapha is vitiated. When raktagni is too high, less rakta is produced but it is supercharged in the sense that it is very hot. This is what occurs when pitta is vitiated. When raktagni is variable, too little rakta is produced and it is of poor quality. This is what occurs when vata dosha is vitiated. Thus, the care of the rakta dhatu is dependent upon the health of raktagni. Since the health of the rakta agni is partially dependent upon the health of jatharagni, attention must be paid to both agnis in order to restore health.
Su. S. 14/6, Cha.Chi 15/28, Su. S. 14/5, 21/10, A.H. S. 12/13

Waste Product - Bile:

Diseases caused by Vitiation of Rakta dhatu or blood (increase or decrease of rakta dhatu) "Raktam visarpa pleeha vidradheen kushta vaatasra pittasra gulmopa kusa kaamalaa vyangaagni naasha sammoha raktatwam netra mootrata" Ch. Su. 24/11-16,Ch.Su.28/11-13, Su.S.24/9.

Visarpa - herpes
Vidradhi - abscess
Kushta - skin disorders like acne, pimples, psoriasis, etc
Vata rakta - gout
Rakta pitta - hemorrhagic disorders
Gulma - tumours
Kamala - jaundice
Vyanga - pigmentation of skin
Agni nasha - indigestion
Sammoha - syncope
Raktatwaknetra mootrata - Redness of eyes, skin and urine

VATA - Su. S. 21/16
  • Anaemia
  • Abnormal pulse
  • Low Blood pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Cardiac Arrhythmia
  • Gout (Vata Rakta)
  • Bleeding Gums
  • Bleeding Haemorrhoids
  • Bleeding in the Gastro Intestinal Tract( Blackish Stools)
  • Hives
  • Rashes, Urticaria
  • Sickle Cell Anaemia
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Triglycerides
  • Hypertension
  • High Blood Sugar
  • Hyperglycaemia (Diabetes)

Cause of Rakta Dhatu Disorders:
FOODS - Su. S. 21/16
  • Deficiency of Iron or Vitamin B12
  • Excess Sugar or Salt
  • Consuming Heating Oils & Fried Foods
  • Unhealthy Food Combinations
  • Eating Sour & Fermented Foods
  • Eating excess of Cheese, Curds & Pickles
  • Excessive exposure to the Sun
  • Exposure to Radiation
  • Liver & Spleen Disorders
  • Working in a Hot Environment
  • Excessive or Insufficient Physical Exercise
  • Repressed Aggression or Anger
  • Envy & Hate

When there is reduction in quality of Rakta dhatu the following symptoms appear "Raktemla sisirapreethi siraashaithilya rookshatha" Su. S. 15/92, Ch. Su. 17/65 Desire for sour foods and cold substances increases. This is manifested by burning sensation in palms and foot Collapsing of blood vessels and Dry skin Rakta Dhatu Balancing Recommendations

Factors that Disturb the Dhatu - Ch. Su. 24/5-10, Su. S. 21/25
  • Acidic foods like Tomatoes, Vinegar
  • Fermented foods
  • Baking Soda
  • Avoid toxins like Alcohol, Nicotine
  • Powerful drugs & Chemicals
  • Hot Spicy Foods
  • Artificial Colours and Preservatives
  • Pesticides
  • Aged Cheese
  • Frequent Anger & Frustration
  • Violent Movies, Stimulating & Exciting News shows or other programmes
  • Sleeping late
Raktasara purusha Ch. Vi. 8/120, Su. S. 35/17

“Karnaakshi mukha jihva naasaushtta paada
tala nakha lalaata mehanam snigdha rakta varnam
srimad Bhraajishnu rakta saraanaam ,saa saarata sukham……”

The person who has completely formed rakta dhatu exhibits the following characters His/her ears, eyes, face, tongue, nose, lips, palms, soles, nails, forehead, genital organ look brightly red and glistening. He or she will be attractive. These persons do not tolerate heat, stress or strain.

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