yurveda is a Sanskrit term, made up of the words "ayu" and "veda." "Ayu" means life
and "Veda" means knowledge or science. The term "ayurveda" thus means 'the knowledge
of life' or 'the science of life'. According to the ancient Ayurvedic Acharya Charaka,
"ayu" comprises the mind, body, senses and the soul.
Aim of Ayurveda
- To prevent diseases
- To treat and cure diseases
- Both of these goals aim to promote health on three levels
- Mental
- Physical
- Spiritual
Ayurveda is a system of medicine with scientific basis. It has its own set of principles,
processes, methodologies and procedures, which are relevant even today, as a guide
to better and healthier living.
Asthanga Ayurveda
For the convenient study of vast science Ayurveda, is divided into eight branches,
which are together called as Ashtang Ayurveda. The eight branches are:
- Kayachikitsa -Kaya means living human body. This treatment includes all diseases
situated in the body.
- Bala chikitsa- Deals with health and diseases related to children.
- Graha chikitsa - Deals with spiritual healing.
- Urdhvanga chikitsa-Treatment of eyes, ears, nose, throat and head.
- Shalya chikitsa - Describes about pre-operative procedures, general procedures,
post-operative procedures, anesthesia and marma`s (vital points). It also describes
about bandages, shastra (sharp instruments), yantras (blunt instruments) and sutures
- Damstra chikitsa-Deals with treatment for food poisoning, snake bites, insect bites,
dog bites etc.
- Jara chikitsa- Deals with prevention of diseases and improving immunity and rejuvenation.
- Vrishya chikitsa (vajikarana)- Virilification or Deals with male and female genetic
Basic principles of Ayurveda
Basic Principles of Ayurveda comprise of:
- The TriGunas: Three Fundamental universal energies are - Satva ,Rajas and Tamas
- The PanchaMahabhutas: Five basic elements are Akasha (Space),Vayu (Air),Teja or
Agni(Fire),Jala(Water) and Prithvi (Earth)
- The TriDosas: Three Body Humours are Vata,Pitta and Kapha
- The SaptaDhatus: Seven types of body tissues :viz.- Rasa (fluid) Dhatu, Rakta(blood)Dhatu,
Mamsa Dhatu,Meda(fat)Dhatu,Asthi Dhatu,Majja Dhatu and Sukra Dhatu.
- The TrayodosaAgni: Thirteen types of digestive fires : are Jatharagni (gastric fire),
SaptaDhatvagni and PanchaBhutagni.
- The TriMalas: Three types of Body Wastes are Purisa (faeces),Mutra (urine) and Sveda