Postnatal Exercise

Always consult with your doctor or midwife before starting any postnatal exercise program. Whether or not you are ready to exercise depends on individual factors. For instance, you may be advised to wait until your six-week postnatal check-up. In other cases, especially if you were exercising regularly throughout your pregnancy, you may be able to return to exercise sooner than that – perhaps within the first week or two. If you had a caesarean birth, a difficult birth, or complications, it may take a little longer to feel ready to start exercising. If you did not exercise during pregnancy, start with easy exercises and slowly build up to harder ones. Keep in mind your lower back and core abdominal muscles are weaker than they used to be. Your ligaments and joints are also more supple and pliable, so it is easier to injure yourself by stretching or twisting too much. Avoid any high-impact exercises or sports that require rapid direction changes.

Benefits of Postnatal Yoga:
  • Helps maintain proper body shape after pregnancy, preventing sagging in the abdominal muscles
  • Decreases overall stress and promotes relaxation by increasing the levels of feel –good chemical in your brain (such as endorphin)
  • Rejuvenates the mind and increases energy
  • Releases tension in shoulders and neck muscles
  • Strengthens the back, abdominal and pelvic floor muscles
  • Improve your blood circulation
  • Reduce symptoms of postnatal depression
  • Promote weight loss

Yoga Asanas

1. Cow Face Pose:


Cow face pose is a challenging seated pose. It is a deep hip opener, as well as being famous for its difficulty to people with tight shoulders. Although it is a seated deep stretch pose, it is noted as being a restorative one as well, for its ability to allow you to sit and go inward in order to get a full muscle release.

How to: Cow Face Pose

Starting in a seated position, place the bent right knee on top of the bent left knee. Knees are trying to be perfectly stacked one on the other directly under your center (chin). Heels are equidistant from each hip. It is VERY important that you are fully plugged into the floor through both hips. If this is not possible, then prop your hips onto a blanket or a block to allow equal and even weight on both sit bones. If one hip is higher than the other you are starting the whole pose off crooked and this will dramatically change the back and shoulder position, causing potential harm. Before moving on to the arm position, be sure you can lift your sternum and achieve a flat tall spine.

Bring your left arm up to the sky. Bend the left elbow so the left palm rests on the upper back. Bring the right arm out to the side, palm facing back and thumb down. Bend the right elbow and move the right hand behind your back palm facing out. The right forearm will be parallel to the spine and the hand is between the shoulder blades. Next, try to hook the fingers together behind your back. Energetically lift your left elbow towards the ceiling keeping the elbow close to the left side of the head, and lower the right elbow toward the floor and closer to the body.

If it is not possible to connect your fingers, place a strap in the left hand. Let the strap hang behind your head and grab the other end with the right hand. Working the fingers closer and closer to each other until eventually they connect. Work on sitting straight and tall in the back, remembering that both hips remain in contact with the floor. It is easy to over stretch your left side (top arm side) and collapse your right side body, so try to keep both side bodies equally long. If you feel you can go deeper, fold from the hip joint
resting over the right thigh. Do not round your back.

The emphasis on this side is the right anterior shoulder; therefore this side will be more difficult for right handed people. This pose may be frustrating in the beginning; however the shoulders have a tendency to open quickly so stay focused and determined and results will come quickly.

Hold the pose for one to five minutes and then switch sides.

Benefits of Cow Face Pose:

Performed properly and consistently the benefits includes:

  • Deep stretch of hips, ankles, thighs, shoulders, armpit, chest, deltoid, and triceps
  • Aids chronic knee pain
  • Strengthens spine and abdominals
  • Helps decompress low spine (during folded variation)
  • Clears hip joint

2. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana:

Ardha Matsyendrasana can be quickly understood by realizing that “ardha” means half, “matsyendra” means king of the fish in the Sanskrit language.

How to: Half-Fish Pose:

Begin by stretching your legs out in front of you and with your pelvis resting on the floor. Now twist your knees so that your feet are on the ground. Insert your left foot beneath the right hip. Now move your right foot over the left one so that it stands on the floor, pressing the inner arch and sole of the foot into the floor for the duration of each side of the pose. The right knee should now be pointing directly upwards at the ceiling.

Twist yourself inwards to the right thigh while exhaling. Place your right hand on the ground behind the right hip and place your left upper arm over your right thigh.

Push the right foot, which is placed inside, strongly in the ground as you release your groin. You may lean the upper torso slightly as you firm your grip into the floor with the help of your tailbone.

Now turn your head in either direction. You may go with the twist or can counter the twist with your head by looking over your shoulders.

Every time you inhale, try to push yourself up a bit with the help of your fingers. Every time you exhale, twist your body a little further. This twist should be well distributed along your body, including the side body, and not just your lower back. Remain in this position for 30 to 60 seconds, and end it by returning to the natural pose with exhalation.

Benefits of Half Lord of the Fishes Pose:

This is an advanced pose for effectively providing these benefits:

  • Stimulation of liver and kidneys, blood and lymph purification
  • Stretching in the shoulders, neck and hips.
  • Strengthens and energizes the spine.
  • Enhances the digestive fire and the solar plexus chakra.
  • Alleviates backache, menstrual pain, sciatica.
  • Regulates the appetite.

3. Hero 1 Pose:


Pose of the hero may appear to be a regular position to watch TV or sit, however there are many particulars to executing this pose safely. It is a pose that requires proper attention and a strong foundation.

How to: Hero’s Pose:

Starting on your hands and knees slowly sit back onto your heels. The most important part of this pose is to constantly check that the tops of your feet are on the floor, bottoms of the feet are completely facing up. Try to have your thighs together, unless you feel strain in the knees, then, separate them accordingly. This is basically the entire pose, although there are many subtleties too. For some just sitting back on the heels can prove to be painful. If this is the case place a block on the floor between your feet and sit back on the block until you are secure and open enough to take it away. You want to get to the point where you can sit up nice and tall while sitting on the heels. Press the shins and tops of the feet into the earth and ground through the little toe side of the foot. Lift your rib cage evenly and lengthen through the crown of your head. Relax your shoulders. If you are extremely tight or are rehabbing from knee surgery then roll up a towel behind your knees and then sit back. This will reduce any risk of over flexion of the knee.

Rest your hands on your thighs and relax into your breath. If you have no pain in the knees and the ankles and shins are open and flexible enough, then move deeper into the pose by separating the feet gently roll the thighs inward and try to sit on the floor between your feet. It will take time and practice to deepen this pose. Try to remain tall and lifted and not round the back at all.

Benefits of Hero’s Pose:

The role of Hero’s pose is vast. Done properly and consistently, the most noticeable benefits include:

  • Increases flexibility in hips, legs and knees
  • Encourages proper alignment in hips, legs and knees
  • Opens hips
  • Stretches quads
  • Encourages and trains internal rotation
  • Strengthens the low back while lengthening the spine
  • Good for virility

4. Mariachi Twist:


In Sanskrit, “mariachi” means a ray of light or father of humanity, and “asana” means yoga pose.

How to: Mariachi Twist

Begin with Dandasana. While bending your right knee, place your foot on the ground so that its heel is quite near to your right sitting bone. Your left leg should be firm and stable with the thigh bone’s head grounded downwards. Try to move your left heel and toes away from your pelvis. The grounded straight leg will result in lengthening of your spine, which will aid in the twist.

Exhale and turn your torso in the right direction as you cover your right thigh with the left arm. Push the ground with your right hand to raise your torso upwards..

While both legs are strongly grounded, continue increasing the length of your spine with each inhalation, and twisting more with each exhalation. To complete the twist, slowly rotate your head to the right.

Remain in this position from 30 to 60 seconds. Gracefully exit by exhaling and returning to Dandasana. You may now repeat the procedure for the other leg.

Benefits of Mariachi Twist:

The Mariachi Twist has the following benefits to offer if it’s done on a regular basis:

  • Provides massage to various abdominal organs like the kidneys and liver.
  • Stretches the spine and shoulders.
  • Provides strength to the spine and back.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the mind.
  • Frees pain from the thoracic region of the back and the buttocks.
  • For beginning students of yoga, Marichyasana is a great yoga pose to focus on improvement of various body parts like the spine, hips, abdomen and lower back.
  • If you are new to this yoga pose and find it
  • difficult to keep your spine erect after bending your knee, you may add a thick blanket beneath your pelvis
  • so that it stays in a neutral position.

5. Simple Seated Twist:

Simple Seated Twist:

Simple Seated Twist is a gentle spinal twist that is usually recommended for beginner to intermediate level yoga students.

Simple Seated Twist:

Begin with sitting in a cross-legged position on the ground. Increase the length of your spine by sitting tall, exhaling, and then pulling in your abdominals. You may relax the shoulders and let them fall away from the ears.

While inhaling, raise your arms above your head. Then exhale and twist your body to the right while slowly lowering your arms down in synchronicity with your breath. The right hand should be on the ground beside you, and the left hand on your right knee’s outer edge. Now rotate your head so that you look over the right shoulder.

Remain in this position for five to 10 slow, calming breaths. As you inhale, visualize yourself getting taller, and as you exhale, twist a little deeper into the pose. Your lower spine should be drawn inwards to the belly, making you sit tall.

When done exactly as advised, it looks as if the twist began from your pelvis’s core and ended at your head. Now twist to the left and raise your arms up as they reach near the center and then again bring them down. Remain in this position for some breaths.

You can then repeat this twist more number of times or till you begin to feel its effects.

Benefits of Simple Seated Twist:

The yoga exercise, Simple Seated Twist has many benefits. Following are some of the major ones:

  • Stimulates and enhances the functioning of the abdominal organs.
  • Increases the digestion and blood circulation process.
  • Stretches and provides strength to your shoulders, spine and hips.
  • Reduces neck pain, back pain and sciatica.
  • Energizes the nervous system.
  • Dissolves anxiety, stress and tension.

6. Bow Pose:


By all appearances Bow pose looks like a very challenging advanced pose. Bow is a great therapeutic pose for those with lives that are always on the move and putting us in positions of leaning forward or bending forward. The best way to undo a slouchy posture or long day on the computer is by practicing Bow Pose.

How to: Bow

Begin by lying on the floor face down. Take a second to extend and expand your body. Bend both legs and reach around with your hands and try to grab onto your ankles or lower legs, thumbs facing down. For beginners it is best to grasp the outer ankle and in time you will externally rotate your shoulder and grab the leg on the inner ankle side, thumbs facing up.

Broaden your chest and slides your shoulder blades towards each other behind you and down your back. Relax your shoulders down away from your ears. You lift the chest up by the pure power of your legs. Arms are straight and legs press back and feet press up. Tune into your pelvis and tilt it until you feel less strain on your lower back.

Do not over lift your chin keep a gradual backbend finishing through the top of your head. Remember your head is a natural extension of your spine. Keep your gaze neutral and do not over lift your eyes.

On the inhale lift your upper body, on the exhale lift your lower body and get a gently rocking motion going. Press the chest and legs away from each other,”stringing the bow” Gently let go and release back into childs pose. If it is not possible for you to grab your ankles you can wrap a strap around the front of then and hold a side of the strap in each hand.

Benefits of Bow Pose:

The role of bow pose is vast. Done properly and consistently, the most noticeable benefits include:

  • Heats and strengthens the entire body , mostly legs, back, and buttocks
  • Massages the abdominal organs
  • Aids digestion
  • Helps people with respiratory ailments
  • Aids fatigue
  • Aids anxiety
  • Stretches opens whole anterior spine
  • Improves posture

7. Bridge Pose:


Bridge pose is classified as a backbend, however it should be considered as an assessment pose, as well as a great therapeutic pose. Bridge is a pose accessible to practitioners of all levels, and should not be overlooked by advanced yogis and athletes.

How to: Bridge Pose

Start by lying on your back. Knees bent, feet FLAT and hips width apart. Feet should also be parallel and the ankles directly under the knees. It is important to have the feet parallel to reduce pressure on your low back. When feet are turned out they close the space in the sacroiliac joint and create more stress on the joint than necessary. Begin to pelvic tilt and raise your hips off the floor, by pressing down through the feet and arms.

Once your hips are as high as they can get, snuggle your shoulders underneath your upper back and try to interlace your fingers under you. In time and with practice your fingers will be interlaced and arms will be extended fully on the floor, palms connected. If you have a tendency to hyperextend your elbows, be cautious here.

It is important that you get your shoulder blades under you as much as you can. The further they go under the more they lift your spine off the floor creating a canal underneath you. This canal lifts the spine from grinding into the floor. Cervical spine number 6 sticks out a little further than the rest so if you are not properly set up in this pose it is easy to bruise it or feel too much weight.

It is a help to put a light, soft block between your knees to aid your engagement of the inner thighs. It is also an amazing therapeutic pose if you put two blocks together, on their highest side directly under your sacrum, clasp your hands beyond the blocks and relax and release into the pose holding for minutes. Consider sometimes interlacing your fingers the opposite way than you usually do. This gets your shoulders slightly different and eliminates habit and stagnant practice.

In this pose you should feel a dynamic opposition of pressing down with your arms and feet and lifting the pelvis and chest. Try to get your chest to meet your chin. Press your shoulders down away from your ears.

Benefits of Bridge Pose:

The role of bridge pose is vast. Done properly and consistently, the most noticeable benefits include:

  • Strengthening the back, glutes, legs and ankles
  • Opening the chest, heart, hip flexors
  • Stretches the chest, neck, shoulders and spine
  • Calms the body, alleviates stress and mild depression
  • Stimulates organs of the abdomen, lungs and thyroid
  • Rejuvenates tired legs
  • Improves digestion

8. Cobra Pose:


In Sanskrit, “bhujanga” means serpent or snake and “asana” means yoga pose.

How to: Cobra Pose

Start by lying on the ground with your back facing upwards. Your legs should be stretched out straight with the dorsum of the feet on the ground. Place your hands on the ground beneath the shoulders. Your elbows should be hugging your side-body waist.

Push into the ground with the help of your pubis, thighs and the dorsum of your feet.
Now inhale and slowly start to make your arms straight so that you can raise your torso off the ground. Push your tailbone deep into pubis so that you can lift your torso up to your navel. Your hips should be firm but not hard.

Puff out your side ribs by firming the shoulder blades. Do not push your front ribs outward; instead raise yourself through the height of the sternum. The bending of the back should be evenly distributed through your full spine.

Stay in this pose from 15 to 30 seconds while breathing calmly. Exhale and exit by returning your torso back to the ground slowly.

Benefits of Cobra Pose:

The Bhujangasana is very famous for offering multiple benefits. The major benefits are:

  • Provides strength to your spine.
  • Stretches the lungs, chest, abdomen and shoulders.
  • Firms and strengthens the hips and shoulders.
  • Stimulates the functioning of your abdominal organs.
  • Alleviates stress, anxiety and fatigue by relaxing the mind.
  • Therapeutic for asthma and sciatica.
  • Enhances body heat, fights multiple diseases, and kindles the kundalini.

The beginners may find the Cobra Pose quite suitable for increasing the strength of their spine and getting rid of back pain; however, if you are new to this yoga pose, you should not overdo the backbend. You can find the comfortable height to which you can bend your back by taking your hands off the ground for a while and then try the lift. The height you achieve like this is the ideal height up to which you should practice.

9. Crocodile Pose:


Crocodile Pose is also known as the Makrasana, where “makra” means the crocodile. It involves lying flat and free like a crocodile.

How to: Crocodile Pose

Begin with lying flat on the ground with your chin, abdomen and chest touching the yoga mat. Your legs should be stretched out with your back facing upwards.

Rest the arms comfortably on both sides. Now space your legs a few feet apart from each other. The heels should be pointing towards each other with their edges reaching the ground.

Let your toes point outwards, with the feet perpendicular to the legs. Now slowly lift your head and trunk. Move your both hands beneath your opposite shoulders so that they hold them gently. When done correctly, a double triangle will be formed in which your forearms will be crossing the opposite arm.

Relax your forehead on this newly formed triangle so that your face dips in the hollow space. Shut your eyes and gently relax. Stay in this position with nasal, abdominal breathing as long as you feel comfortable. Exit by exhaling and lying on your back.

Benefits of Crocodile Pose:

The Crocodile Pose can offer the following benefits when practiced regularly:

  • Relaxes the body and mind completely.
  • Relieves the fatigue from the muscles after a complex yoga pose.
  • Resolves breathing problems and genito-urinary disorders.
  • Reduces high blood pressure.
  • Enhances the functioning of small intestines and stimulates the digestive process.
  • Fights against scoliosis and flatulence.

For newcomers to yoga, this yoga pose is quite beneficial in giving quick relief after performing the complex and exhausting asanas. You may perform this pose every time you want to relax your body in middle of series of big poses.

10. Rotated Head to Knee Pose:

Parivritta Janu Sirshasana:

In Sanskrit, “parivritta” means revolved, “janu” means knee, “sirsa” means head and “asana” means yoga pose.

How to: Rotated Head to Knee

Begin with a sitting position with your legs stretched widely apart. By bending your left knee, insert your heel in the left groin. Now bend the right knee as well, so that you can slide its heel near the right hip.

While exhaling, bend in the right direction by pressing your posterior right shoulder into the medial side of your right knee. The right forearm should be resting on the ground with the palm facing upwards. Increase the length of your torso’s right side simultaneously with your right thigh. Now grasp your foot with the right palm, so that the thumb is on the top of your foot and fingers are on the sole.

Push your left femur strongly into the ground while you keep on extending the right knee. Once your knee is straightened, twist the torso upwards to the ceiling.

Raise your left arm upwards while inhaling and then swing it to the back of your left ear so that you can grasp the outside edge of the right foot. Keep your elbows spaced apart so that they allow the upper torso to twist deeper. You may turn the head upwards to look above. Stay in this final pose for 60 seconds. In order to exit gracefully, first untwist and then return to the upright position while exhaling.

Benefits of Rotated Head to Knee:

The Rotated Head to Knee Pose has the following list of benefits if it’s practiced on a regular basis:

  • Stretches the shoulders, spine and hamstrings.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the abdominal organs like the kidneys and livers.
  • Enhances the digestion process.
  • Calms the mind by relieving from stress, anxiety and depression.
  • Provides strength to the legs and calves.

For beginners to yoga, the Parivritta Janusirshasana Pose is quite beneficial pose in terms of focusing on many body parts like the hamstrings, liver, kidneys, groins, armpits, shoulders and spine. If you are new to this yoga pose, you may consider the following tip. Keep your bottom shoulder near to your inner knee even when you are trying to straighten the knee.

11. Standing Forward Bend:


While this seems to be a very easy straightforward pose, there are several very specific ways to set yourself up in it. This pose takes time time time to see results, but they will come and you will prevail!!!!

How to: Standing Forward Bend

Start with your feet hips width apart. This alone is tricky, be honest with yourself while figuring out your hips width. The true distance is where your leg bone (femur) comes out of the hip socket, NOT where the outside of your fleshy hip is. Next, make sure your feet are parallel, they should resemble and 11. Everybody, no matter how advanced you are will start with their knees bent and chest resting on their thighs. You will keep this connection throughout the whole hold of the pose, once you disconnect the chest from the thighs you risk rounding and over stretching the back. When the knees are bent make sure your knees track directly over your toes for perfect alignment of the legs. Slowly, start to straighten your legs by lifting your hips straight up to the sky. Stop when you feel good resistance. Go far enough that you feel a deep stretch and not so far that you cannot breathe.

Keep your eyes open for best stability. You can keep your hands on the floor at first for the best balance or try to grab opposite elbow with opposite hand to get a nice deep hanging feeling. It is very important when you are relaxing in the pose that your weight is not far back in the heels but right in the middle of your foot. If all your weight is back it is like slamming the breaks on the optimum opening of the hamstrings. Stay here and breathe. Don’t be afraid to sway from left to right, or to bend and straighten the legs as you negotiate your way deeper and deeper in the hamstrings.

An amazing alternate way to do this pose that I teach my athletes is to approach it the same way however, face a wall, once in forward bend lean your back up against the wall. Here you will get a maximum opening while not being concerned with balance, therefore you can release fully. It’s hard but awesome!

Benefits of standing forward bend:

The role of standing forward bend is vast. Done properly and consistently, the most noticeable benefits include:

  • Facilitates forward flexion in the hips and spine
  • Opens the hamstrings
  • Stimulates kidneys and adrenal glands
  • Increases circulation to the brain
  • Elongates side body to aid respiration
  • Mild traction of the neck

12. Boat Pose:


Boat pose is recognizable to workout enthusiasts as well as Yogi’s, as it is a staple to help strengthen the abdominal muscles. This pose resembles a letter V, and can be an important addition to everybody’s workout or yoga routines.

How to: Boat Pose

Start seated on your mat, knees bent feet flat. Slowly lean back, slightly rolling your tail one under so it does not grind into the floor. As you lean back lift your lefts off the floor so that you are now balancing on your butt. Lengthen and flatten your back, trying to eliminate any roundness in it. Lift through your sternum or upper chest. Slide your shoulder blades towards each other behind you and keep lifting long through your neck and head.

Level one: extend your arms and gently hold onto your knees. Your arms will be parallel to each other and to the floor, also your lower legs will be parallel to the floor

Level two: keep the legs the same but release your grip on the knees and energetically reach your hands toward your feet, (arms still parallel to the floor) and at the same time keeping the shoulders back so as not to round the back.

Level three: all the previous in mind, now straighten your legs, maintain a flat back lifted chest, long strong legs that are about a 45 degree angle to the floor and approximately eye level.

Keep your energy flowing in all directions and breath calm and deep. Hold for several breaths, challenging your abdominals, legs, hip flexors and back.

Benefits of Boat pose:

The role of boat pose is vast. Done properly and consistently, the most noticeable benefits include:

  • Strengthens abdominals, hip flexors, and spine
  • Stimulates kidneys, prostate, thyroid and intestines
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves digestion

13. Locust Pose:


In Sanskrit, “salabha” means a grasshopper or a locust and “asana” means yoga pose

How to: Locust Pose

Before you begin, you may wish to insert a thick pad below your pelvis and ribs so it’s comfortable for you while lying on the ground. Start with lying on your belly, your arms at your sides, with the palms facing upwards, and forehead gently on the ground. Press your tailbone towards the pelvis as you firm your hips.

While exhaling, slowly raise your head, upper torso, and legs upwards from the ground. Your body weight will be focused on the lower ribs, belly and front pelvis. Slowly increase the length of your legs. Your big toes should be turned towards each other.

Now you should lift your arms while they are parallel to the ground and then stretch them with your fingertips. You should be facing forwards while maintaining a look of pride, with a lengthened posterior neck. Do not raise your chin forwards; otherwise you might end up crunching your neck.

Remain in this position from 30 to 60 seconds. Slowly exit while exhaling and bringing your raised body parts down. You may now rest for a few breaths and then repeat if you want to.

Benefits of Locust Pose:

The Shalabasana can offer the following list of benefits once it’s added to your daily yoga poses list:

  • Provides strength to muscles of the spine, buttocks, arms and back of legs.
  • Stretches the chest, shoulders, thighs and belly.
  • Enhances and improves the overall body posture.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the abdominal organs.
  • Relieves stress and tension.
  • Big Toe Pose - Padangusthasana
  • The Big Toe Pose or the Padangusthasana is one of the easier poses in yoga. Most yoga practitioners will learn how to do this pose in the early practices and sessions of yoga. It is one of the few poses that will help you to stretch all your muscles from head to toe.

Steps :

  • The first step is to stand upright with your feet parallel to each other. The feet should be at least six inches apart. Your legs also need to be straight.
  • Now contract your thigh muscles, which will lift your knee caps outward.
  • Keep your legs straight as you now bend forward with an aim of touching your forehead to your knee. Your torso and head should move together.
  • Once you are in this position, grip your big toes with fingers of each foot. Grip your toes firmly with your fingers.
  • Then press your toes into your hand. If you are not able to catch your toes with changing your posture, you can also use a band or a strap to hook under your toes and hold that instead.
  • Now, as you inhale, lift your torso and straighten your elbows.
  • Do this for as high as you can without stressing any other part like your neck for instance.
  • Exhale when you release your torso and bend towards your toes again. Do this repeatedly.
  • Straighten as if going back to the starting position but holding your toes. Do this cycle of inhalation and exhalation a few times, increasing the stretch of the torso every time you stretch.
  • Come back to the starting position by slowly releasing the band and straightening up.

Benefits to Body Parts :

  • The asana improves flexibility as you stretch from head to toe, even giving your spine a good stretch.
  • This asana is known to regulate blood pressure and anxiety while calming the person down.
  • Stretching in this pose increases the blood flow to the brain, improving the concentration and retention power. This enables you to work better and more efficiently.
  • As this pose helps you stretch your thigh muscles, hamstrings, calf muscles along with the back, lower back and your arms, it helps all muscles burn fat while increasing their density with the inhaling and exhaling.
  • This exercise even relieves you of that bloated feelings and any excess gas you may have trapped inside.
  • If women are trying to conceive, this pose is a good one as it stretches all muscles.
  • This pose also helps with the incidence of flat feet. It is also important that your muscles feel stretched but not worn.
  • This pose helps tired muscles to feel rejuvenated.

14.Cobblers Pose:

Baddha Konasana:

In Sanskrit, “baddha” means bound and “kona” means angle, and that is why Cobbler’s Pose is also known as the Bound Angle Pose. This is the position assumed by the street side cobbler’s repairing shoes in India.

How to: Cobbler’s Pose

Start in a sitting position with legs outstretched to the front. As you exhale, bring in your heels closer to your pelvis by bending your knees sidewise. Both soles should be pressing each other, while the heels press into your “sits” bones of the rear pelvis.

Keep moving your heels towards the “sits” bones. Hold the big toe of each foot with first two fingers and thumb. Your pelvis should be in a neutral position and parallel to the floor. Your shoulder blades should be in a straight line with your back.

While doing this yoga pose, do not forcefully bring the knees downwards. They will automatically come in that position once you lean the heads of your thigh bones towards the ground. This is a hip-opening pose, and if you lead with your knees, you will injure them. Be kind to your body, and gently allow this pose to unfold.

Remain in this position from 1 to 5 minutes to get the full benefits. After that, bring your legs back into the original position while inhaling.

Benefits of Cobbler’s Pose:

The Cobbler’s Pose can give the following benefits when done regularly:
  • Stimulates in your abdominal organs, bladder, kidneys and ovaries.
  • Improves blood circulation and heart function.
  • Aids in stretching the inner thighs, knees and the groin.
  • Heals mild depression, fatigue and anxiety.
  • Lessens the pain associated with menstrual periods and sciatica.
  • Therapeutic for flat feet, infertility, asthma and high blood pressure.
  • Facilitates child birth if practiced consistently.
  • Reduces the symptoms involved with menopause.

15. Easy Pose:


In Sanskrit, “sukh” means ease and “asana” means pose, hence the name of this Easy pose.

How to: Easy Pose

Start with sitting on a thick folded blanket under your pelvis. You can stretch your legs by bringing them in front once before crossing them.
Now cross the shins while widening the knees so that each foot is neatly kept beneath the opposite knee. The thighs would be folded inwards now.

Keep your feet relaxed so that the inner arches are beneath the opposite shin. The leg fold of Sukhasana will be complete when you find a triangle formed by your two thighs and crossed shins when you look down.

Maintain an adequate gap between your pelvis and your feet. While your pelvis should be in a neutral position, it should also be equidistant from the ground when compared with the pubic bone

Your hands can be stacked on your lap with palms facing upwards or the wrists can be on your knees with palms facing downwards, gently assisting you in maintaining an erect spine. Do not excessively arch your lower back and point your lower front ribs in front.

Alternatively shift the leg crossing as you relax in the Easy Pose. You may do this yoga pose for any length of time you find comfortable.

Benefits of Easy Pose:

Sukhasana is a basic yoga pose which has some fundamental benefits for every one who practices it on a daily basis. Some of them are the following:

  • Promotes mental calm and peace.
  • Induces strength in your back and the spine.
  • Results in stretching of your knees, ankles and feet
  • Counters stress and anxiety when continued for long durations.

15. Fire Log Square Pose:


In Sanskrit, “agni” means fire, “stambha” means statue and “asana” means yoga pose.

How to: Fire Log Square Pose:

Begin with sitting on the ground with bent knees. Slowly lift your shoulders upwards and push the tips of the shoulder blades in the back.

Insert the left foot under the right leg so that it lays on your right hip’s outside. Now you should place the right leg on the dorsum of your left foot. Make sure that the right ankle is on the outside of the left knee, where the sole is perpendicular to the ground.

At this moment, your left heel should be behind your right hip. If bringing your ankle to your outer knee seems difficult, you may simply continue in Sukhasana or the Easy Pose.

Push actively from your heels and let your toes spread. While exhaling, maintain the front torso vertically and fold forwards from the groins. There should be adequate space between your navel and pubis. Your hands should be placed in front of the shins on the ground.

While inhaling, the torso will rise a bit. Now you should increase the length of the pubis till the sternum. As you exhale, fold yourself deeper.

Stay like this for more than 60 seconds. To exit, simply keep the torso straight and slowly straighten your legs. You may now repeat the procedure with the alternating leg on top.

Benefits of Fire Log Square Pose:

The Agnistambhasana Pose can provide the following major benefits when it’s done on a regular basis:

  • Provides strength to legs and calves.
  • Stretches gently the groins and buttocks.
  • Calms the mind by relieving stress, tension and anxiety.

For newcomers to yoga, Fire Log Square Pose is a great yoga pose to learn discipline and order in the sitting poses of yoga. If you find this yoga pose difficult to perform, you may keep in the mind the following tip: simply grip the thigh at your hip crease and rotate it outwards by force before you begin to bend forwards. This will help you in releasing your hip.

16. Frog Pose:


At first glance frog is as awkward as the striking angles it displays. Frog pose is not as common as down dog or warrior one, however its benefits have made it a staple in my teaching repertoire. It is perhaps one pose that actually looks just like its namesake.

How to: Frog

Begin in table pose, on your hands and knees. Make sure your hips are directly over your knees and your lower legs are parallel to each other. Lower down to your forearms and begin to slowly separate your knees as far as they can go.

From a side view your hip joint will be in the same line as your knee joint and your ankles will be directly behind your knees. Your toes will be facing out to the left and right respectively. Your knees hips and ankle joints will all be in 90 degree angles. Come to a depth where you can feel a significant stretch and still breathe comfortably. Try to relax your shoulders out of your ears.

It is particularly comforting to hold this pose with blocks under your chest and or pelvis. Once you release all your weight into the blocks your groin will let go notably. You can hold this pose starting at one minute and work up to a mind blowing 30 minute mental toughness experience.

Benefits of Frog Pose:

The role of frog is vast. Done properly and consistently, the most noticeable benefits include:

  • Opens the hip joint
  • Improves abduction
  • Strengthens the low back while opening hip
  • Helps digestion
  • Opening of hips reduces strain on knees
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