Fibroid is the most common problem in these days. No one is certain what causes
uterine fibroid , but changing estrogen levels seem to play a role in their growth.
When estrogen levels are high, as a result of pregnancy or contraceptive pills,
for example, the rate of fibroid growth increases. About 20 per cent of women of
childbearing age have uterine fibroids but they are not usually found in women under
30 years old. They rarely appear in young women before they begin menstruating.
As a woman approaches the menopause and her estrogen levels decrease, uterine fibroids
are likely to shrink or almost disappear. Apart from being a woman of reproductive
age, no other risk factors for fibroids have been found.
The names given to Fibroids in Ayurveda are Arbuda or Granthi. Ayurveda suggests
that Dosha imbalance in the muscles in the body can lead to the growth of Arbuda
or Granthi. The three Doshas namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha when aggravated may weaken
the body’s immune system and give way to diseases.
The fatty substances that constitute the tissues namely ‘Meda’, the fat muscles
known as ‘Mamsa’, and blood get affected by the Dosha aggravation and show various
symptoms depending on the nature of the Dosha disturbance.