These are some ways in which it helps:
- Builds muscles which combat insulin resistance which is very important to manage PCOS.
- Increases heart rate, provides a cardiovascular workout and leads to weight loss.
- Promotes hormonal balance, relaxation and brings adrenal and cortisol levels in control thus healing stress. This can enhance chances of conception too.
- Has pain-numbing effects.
- Solves digestive disorders which prevail in PCOS by improving the functions of the digestive organs.
- Promotes mental well being thus addressing issues of stress and anxiety.
- Helps in dealing with stressful situations of everyday life through breathing exercises.
This is good for weight loss and enhances body flexibility while treating hormonal imbalances.

Balasana (Childs pose)

Baddha konasana / Bhadrakonasana (Butterfly pose)

Naukasana (Boat Pose)

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)



Marjaryasana and Bitilasana (Cat and Cow pose)

Chakki Chalanasana

- Nadisodhan Pranayama: Nadisodhan Pranayama is also called Anulom Vilom, which helps to soothe your mind refresh your brain nerves thereby helpful in de-stressing the body. It brings peace and comfort to your body thus cure PCOS naturally.
- Bhramri Pranayama: It is the only pranayamas which control all the negative domains such as stress, strain, anxiety, tension, depression, etc. So, it is helpful in contending your mood swings.
- Meditation: will help to stabilizing your mind and acts like as mood elevator and facilitates calming effect. Meditation brings harmony within the body, mind and emotions to control PCOD naturally.