Meaning : Reproductive fluid or Semen
Shukra means bright, pure and radiant. It can also mean the “essence” of something.
Ch. Chi. 30/145
This is the dhatu which is highly responsible for the reproductive elements of the
body.It are the most refined product or essence of all the seven dhatus. It is referred
by two different names wherein in male it is known as Sukra and includes the sperm
and in female it is known as Sronita and is responsible for ovum.
Production of shukra dhatu:
The core nutrients of majja dhatu (bone marrow) help in production of Shukradhatu.
According to texts of ayurveda shukra dhatu is pervading all over the body (sarva
shareera gathaha).
Yada payasi sarpistu gudaschekshou raso yadha
shareereshu tadha shukram nrinaam vidyaat bhisagvarah || Ch. Chi. 2/4/46
Shukra is present in our body in invisible manner as ghee is indistinguishable in
milk. Same way jaggery can not be seen directly in sugarcane.
Shukra dhatu in men:
The invisible shukra present in body gets ejaculated through penis in the form of
visible shukra or semen. Semen gets ejaculated when men indulge in sexual activities
after getting stimulated by sexual thoughts, touch etc.
Shukra in Children:
Yadhaa mukulpushasya sugandho nopalabyate
labhyate tad vikaasaat tu tadha shukramhi dehinaam || Ch. Chi. 2/4/39
Children will have shukra in dormant stage . This is compared to buds of flowers
which have hidden fragrance in them. The visible shukra appears when children reach
Shukra in women:
yoshitopi sravatyeva shukram pumsaam samagame
tannagarbhaaya kinchittu karotheethi vichintyate A. S. Sha. 1
The shukra in women gets secreted during sexual activity. But this is not useful
in garbhotpatti (fertilization)
System carrier : The Reproductive System
Rakta Dhatu (Blood) is the blood tissue, especially the red corpuscle component
of blood, which carries air and oxygen in the body. It has Pitta Dhosa characteristics
and its leading element is fire.
us to produce another life. The term “Shukra” stands for “Seed” specifically here
the sperm or the ovum in women and all reproductive fluids in general. When it is
insufficient, it causes a general lack of creativity in life and specifically, Impotency
and Infertility. Su. S. 15/5
It provides Energy, Strength and Stamina for the entire body and upholds the autoimmune
function. The reproductive fluid gives light to the eyes and inspiration to the
Originates from : Testes or the Uterus
Waste Product - No waste Product
Symptoms of Shukra Dhatu Disorders -
Shukra vriddhi laxanas (symptoms of increased shukra dhatu)
"ati sthree kaamataam vriddam shukram shukrashmari mapi" Su. S. 15/14
When shukra increases beyond limits, it produces ati kaama or increased interest
in sex and shukraashmari (seminal caliculus)
- Increased desire for sex
- Perversion
- Preoccupation with sex
- Excessive semen flow with increased prostatic secretions but low sperm content
- Premature ejaculation
- Multiple Cystic Ovaries
- Premature Orgasm
- Multiple Orgasms
- Sterility
Shukra kshaya Laxanas:(Symptoms of decreased shukra dhatu)
Dourbalayam mukhasoshascha paandutwam sadanam sramah klaibyam sukraa visargascha
ksheenasukrasya lakshanam Ch. Su. 17/69
Difficulty in ejaculation of semen. Ejaculating little quantity of semen after a
painful coitus.
Weakness Early ageing symptoms with dry skin and wrinkles on face and body
Weak muscles
Getting tiered easily even after little exertion
Impotence or erectile dysfunction
Absence of semen ejaculation.
Causes for Shukra kshaya or decrease of shukradhatu (semen):
"jarayaa chintayaa sukram vyandhibhih karma karshanat kshayam gachchatyanasanaat
streenam chati nishevanat"Ch. Chi. 2/4/43
Old age, Mental stress and worries, chronic diseases, under nourishment and excessive
indulgence in sex or increased ejaculation of semen leads to shukra kshaya or reduced
quantity of semen.
Fear of sex:
- Low Libido
- Pain during Coitus
- Sterility
- Low Sperm count
- Impotence
- No Ovulation
- Primary Sterility